The Cornish Pasty |
The Cornish Pasty has to cite Wikipedia - Forme of Cury on this subject - "The Forme of Cury is an extensive recipe collection of the 14th century whose author is given as "the chief Master Cooks of King Richard II". The modern name was given to it by Samuel Pegge, who published an edition of it in 1791."
Project Guttenburg > The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Forme of Cury, by Samuel Pegge . This previously linked, online version of the book contains ........
Take and make a foyle of gode past with a roller of a foot brode. &
lyngur[2] by cumpas. make iiii Coffyns of �e self past uppon �e
rolleres �e gretnesse of �e smale of �yn Arme. of vi ynche depnesse.
make �e gretust [3] in �e myddell. fasten �e foile in �e mouth
upwarde. & fasten �ee [4] o�ere foure in euery syde. kerue out
keyntlich kyrnels [5] above in �e manere of bataiwyng [6] and drye
hem harde in an Ovene. o�er in �e Sunne. In �e myddel Coffyn do a
fars of Pork with gode Pork & ayrenn rawe wi� salt. & colour it wi�
safroun and do in ano�er Creme of Almandes. and helde [7] it in
ano�er [8] creme of Cowe mylke with ayrenn. colour it with saundres.
ano�ur manur. Fars of Fygur. of raysouns. of Apples. of Peeres. &
holde it in broun [9].
ano�er manere. do fars as to frytours blanched. and colour it with
grene. put �is to �e ovene & bake it wel. & serue it forth with ew
ardaunt [10].
[1] Chastelets. Litlle castles, as is evident from the
kernelling and the battlements mentioned. _Castles of jelly
templewise made._ Lel. Coll. IV. p. 227.
[2] lynger. longer.
[3] gretust. greatest.
[4] �ee, i. e. thou.
[5] kyrnels. Battlements. V. Gloss. Keyntlich, quaintly, curiously. V.
[6] bataiwyng. embatteling.
[7] helde. put, cast.
[8] another. As the middle one and only two more are provided for,
the two remaining were to be filled, I presume, in the same manner
[9] holde it broun. make it brown.
[10] ew ardaunt. hot water. _Eau_, water; anciently written _eue_.
Later .....
Foyles. 49. rolled Paste. _Foyle of dowhz_, 50. 92. et per se, 148.
53. _Foile of Paste_, 163. Leaves of Sage, 161. Chaucer. v. ad 175.
hence Carpe in Foile. Lel. Coll. IV. p. 226. _a Dolphin in Foyle_, _a
suttletie_. VI. p. 5. _Lyng in Foyle_, p. 16. _Cunger_. Ibid. _Samon_.
Ibid. _Sturgen_. p. 17. et v. p. 22. N.B. Foyle in these cases means
Paast. MS. Ed. II. 29. Paste.
Quote .....
"Two recipes in particular caught my fancy: 'sluberkens', small pasties stuffed with marrow and sugar .........
'Sluberkens' or 'Slupers' were a delicacy. The meaning of the name of the dish is not clear. According to the Middelnederlandsch Woordenboek (The Lexicon of Middle Dutch) a 'sluper' is related to the Flemish 'sluymer', which according to Kiliaen means "artocreae sive lagani delicatioris genus", in English "meat pasties or pancakes of a delicate nature". You can find recipes for these marrow pasties in three of the six Middle Dutch cook books: in ms UB Gent 476 (that is the recipe presented on this page, edition recipe nr 41), the Notabel boecxken van Cokeryen (edition recipe nr 155, same recipe but without egg yolks), and the Nieywen Cooc boeck of Gheeraert Vorsselman (edition recipes XI.12 and XIV.10, this recipes use cooked eggs instead of raw egg yolks). Marrow pasties are not exclusively Dutch, you can also find recipes in for example the fourteenth century English Forme of Cury where they are called 'pety peruaunt' (edition recipe nr 203), and the French M�nagier de Paris, also from the fourteenth century ("Buignets de mouelle", edition recipe nr 224)."
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