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The Cornish Pasty

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Ode to a Cornish Pasty

John T. Barber of St. Ives
Reproduced by kind permission of his daughter
Irene Tanner (nee Barber)


I gaze on thy recumbent form
With longing and delight
Rejoicing in that I alone
May ever hold thee tight

So luscious, warm and fragrant
Such delicious rounding curves
With power to meet man's deepest needs
And sooth his jaded nerves

Mine Mine alone to have and hold
Oh true and worthy friend
And though I'll never see thee more
I'll love thee to the end


This poem was given to a friend in Hayle many years ago. It may be published somewhere and in that case permission would be needed. In the meantime, we offer it here in the spirit of it being Hayle-related and about the Cornish pasty. If it is unknown and unpublished then we think it deserves to be known because someone put the effort into its writing and it is too good to be lost.



Definition of "ode" - one definition is:

"A classical Greek poem modelled on the choric ode and usually having a three-part structure consisting of a strophe, an antistrophe, and an epode."


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